If you have always dreamed of flying and seeing the world from above, combined with a lot of adrenaline and beautiful views, then a tandem paraglider flight is just for you!
Mountain flights
Flying from a mountain is the most natural way to experience the true freedom of flying. -
Winch flight
Never flown before? A familiarization flight from a winch is a very good start. -
Training for beginners
Take matters into your own hands. It will take less time and effort than learning to drive a car. -
Individual lessons
Every day is the best day to learn something new!
Kayaking adventures are one of our favorite activities and another good alternative to cool off on hot days and combine the fun with the healthy while having fun with friends.
Iskar Dam
Kayaking Dam. Iskar is our favorite kayak destination. It is located 20 minutes from Sofia. While rowing we enjoy the silence and peace that hovers in the water. At the southern end of the dam, we can see the delta of the Iskar river, and on the eastern bank is the Iskar hunting farm, where, with good weather and a little luck, various species of wild animals can be seen. Along the shores there are cozy bays for getting up and restaurants where we can support ourselves with fresh food and drinks. -
Ognyanovo Dam
It is located 30 km from Sofia. It was built along the river Lesnovska, and it takes its name from the village of the same name, which is very close by. The place is used both for fishing and for recreation. While paddling you can see different types of fish and enjoy the silence that can only be broken by the birds. Along the dam there are small calm bays that we can use for relaxation and a short break.
horseback ride
Horse riding will give you a very strong connection with nature. You will be amazed at how many beautiful places these wonderful animals can take you.
Riding for beginners
Приключенската ни база в Боровец е един страхотен вариант да се откъснете от градския шум и да се насладите на истинската хармония на природата. Само на час път време от София.Ще усвоите нови умения по време на една невероятна разходка с тези прекрасни животни. -
Walk to the Black Rock
Планинската ни разходка стартира от конната ни база в Боровец близо до местността ,,Бяла поляна'' Eздата продължава около час в посока. По пътя ще се насладите на различни видове вековни дървета (Бор,Смърч,Eла) а при щастливо стечнение на обстоятелствата може да видите и диви животни в естетвената им среда. След като достигнем до ,,Черната скала'' ще се отдадем на заслужена почивка и ще се насладим на красивите панорамни гледки, които ни открива тази местност. -
Horseback Riding + BQQ
We start again from our equestrian base in k.k. Borovets locality "Byala Polyana". The ride lasts at least an hour and may be longer depending on the client's mood. we will pass through panoramic meadows with a view of five mountains Rila, Verila, Plana, Vitosha and Stara planina, then we will return to the base, where our deliciously prepared menu of your choice will be waiting for us. (meat, fish or vegetarian)
Bike tour
България е страната на неограничените възможности от към велосипедни локации. Предлагаме планинско и шосейно колоездене с много живописни и разнообразни маршрути съобразени с нивото на туристите.
Изключително подходящ, както за начинаещи, така и за напреднали. С много приятна гледки над София. -
Клисурски манастир
този маршрут е съчетание от шосейно и планинско каране. Стартира от центъра Банкя и представлява обиколка на красивите планински терени в района. -
Vladaya path
Началната точка на този маршрут стартира от Националния исторически музей и след това преминава през пътеката в месността ,,Бялата вода'' където се отклонява
Combined adventures
Готови ли сте за истинско приключение?
Paragliding + Rafting
Another recommended location for adventures is located near the village of Poleto. At first we will start with a tandem flight from the village of Brežani. Poleta is specific in that you will literally have the opportunity to fly with the birds. there is one of the few kennels for vultures in Bulgaria. Immediately after that, we will descend into the fast waters of the Struma River, where we will embark on an exciting adventure. -
Bikes + kayak
Would you like to have a really sporty half-day? The cycling tour starts from the town of Elin Pelin, the cycling is on quiet picturesque inter-village roads and can be about 17km or 26km depending on the customers' capabilities. After reaching the Ognyanovo dam, we will replace the wheels with kayaks, and our water adventure will begin.